Did you know that 10% of the total workforce is made up of people with neurodiversal brains?
The talents and qualities of these people often remain unseen and unused. When they are in the wrong place, they have to make a lot of effort to adapt to a working environment that is extra stressful for them. While in a good match they can bring a lot of extra's to the organization.
As an employer and employee, understanding the qualities and points of attention in neurodiversity can make a world of difference and ensure a pleasant working environment with fewer misunderstandings, absenteeism and burnout. That saves costs and suffering.
Want to know how?
consult the employer's guides and/or contact
EB@W focuses on a broad group of stakeholders:
- workers and ZZP-pers with neurodiverse brains
- employers, employers' associations, works councils
- partner organisations, trade unions, government
- medical profession: psychiatrists, company doctors, general practitioners
- psychologists, coaches, trainers and other professionals with neurodiversity as expertise
In the menu you will find employer guides with clear information. Often understanding and respect are already very helpful and small adjustments in the working environment and in the employee's own behaviour can make a world of difference, allowing an employee to do his/her job well and with pleasure.
Would you like to know more?
EB@W has a network of professional ambassadors willing to inform and support you in discovering points of interest and qualities of people with special brains, so that your organization can utilize neurodiversity instead of suffering from it.
A number of professionals can be reached directly. For further information please contact: [email protected].