Anne Marie Preusting

Neurodiversity specialist for employers and employees. Living fully with the power of neurodiversity from an integral, holistic and systemic approach.


Function: Psychosocial therapist, trainer, coach

Specialization: Neurodiversity - Stress - (Failure) anxiety - Trauma

Toolkit (among others): Mindfulness trainer (cat.1), Master ACT (Acceptance & Commitement Therapy), NLP trainer, Trainer Systemic Work, PsBK/MBK (plato)

E-mail address: [email protected]

Phone number: 06 410 38 305


Residence: Zuilen Health Center, Utrecht


Mind Your Heart Trainings works primarily for business and government and offers training, coaching and therapy for people who want more peace and balance in the head and body. Employers seek efficient employees and employees seek balance and peace. Double win. 

Goal is to learn to cope with all aspects of life, including discomforts such as stress and tension, burn-out complaints, fatigue or (failure) anxiety. Specialty is Neurodiversity, people with different information processing (especially ADHD, Gifted, dyslexia, HSP). We also offer counseling for trauma.

So no 'quick fix', after all nothing is broken, but sometimes you just don't know how to handle it anymore. An integral, holistic and systemic approach ensures lasting change. We work with psycho-education, awareness, increasing resilience and learning to live with everything that is and isn't there. You learn to know your own instructions and to use Neurodiversity as a strength.

In the world of neurodiversity, sometimes people don't feel understood or seen. This sometimes creates noise on the line and that can make you insecure, or emotional, or you keep worrying about how to do things differently, better . The reaction is often to work very hard in order to be seen or to prove yourself, while others adapt (pleasing).

The tough-guy-dapper mode was instilled in me as well. In my time, I'm from 1966, we didn't talk about giftedness, ADHD, dyslexia or (H)SP. Nor did we talk about burnout or a full head.

The penny dropped when I had children who were gifted and dyslexic. I started to study and deepen my knowledge of that other way of information processing (neuro-diversity) and now I have successfully run my own practice Mind Your Heart Trainings in Utrecht for training, coaching or therapy for over 16 years. Besides studying (now trauma therapist in formation), because the psyche is not so easily pigeonholed, I benefit greatly from Japanese Zen meditation. My passion is to move people to a more conscious, friendly and free life.
